Post Merger Integration

Two worlds – one future! We know what matters when you want to merge companies to develop new identities and new business opportunities.

After all, merger processes are among the most challenging projects in corporate development.

Clear communication about reasonings and goals aswell as the culture of the integration process as a living image of the future are crucial to success. Transparency, open exchange, clear decision-making guidelines, and joint business initiatives as quickly as possible. We ensure an attitude that values differences and addresses them productively. At the same time, we create space for farewells and new beginnings and thus for the new “shared us”.


Questions we tackle with you

  • How do we create acquaintance and mutual understanding as a starting point for the common story?
  • Which type of structural combination fits which theme – integration, start-up with history, loose coupling, or the best of both worlds?
  • Where do we create clear and stable guard rails that provide orientation for everyone?
  • How do we ensure good human resource decisions?
  • How do we manage the the new joint vernture? How do we link top-down projects with bottom-up initiatives, where do we invest in overarching communities of practice?
  • How do we keep the focus on customers and business? How do we ensure quick wins and success stories?
  • How do we strengthen leaders and key players as role models for the new identity?
  • How do we build trust and where do we start working together?